Registration Information

Welcome to Colonel Gray High School!

Check this website link to determine your appropriate school. Follow these steps to register for classes at Colonel Gray:    

(1) If you are new to PEI and if you were not born in Canada, you must contact the EAL Reception Centre at (902) 620-3738 before coming to or calling us at the school. 

The EAL Reception Centre will do the initial registration and assessment.  After this registration appointment is completed, new students will confirm course selections via a registration meeting at Colonel Gray.

(2) If you have moved from a different province or school in PEI to our zone, please contact your former school to have them send your files to Colonel Gray and contact us by email as soon as possible.  (Email:  Please email or call the school to register for a course selection meeting. 

When attending a registration meeting, please bring with you:

  1. The completed PSB registration form
  2. A selection of desired courses (complete the working copy below and read carefully page 4 of the Colonel Gray Course Selection Handbook to understand graduation requirements. (Please explore this document ahead of your registration appointment to have a better understanding of what courses we offer at Colonel Gray.)
  3. Proof of residency/address.

2024-2025 Registration Information:


A reminder for registration of International Students:

  • EAL/FAL Reception Centre – If your child was born in a country other than Canada, and/or you speak a language other than English or French at home, you will need to contact the EAL/FAL Reception Centre (902) 620-3738 before your child registers at a Prince Edward Island public school.
  • Immigrant & Refugee Services Association PEI - IRSA –  Please click on the link for excellent resources and support for students new to Prince Edward Island.

All Colonel Gray students are invited to please explore Flexible Learning Opportunities and follow appropriate steps to have these credits added to your transcript.