What should I do if my child is sick?
If your child will not be in school, please call the office in the morning and let our secretary know. Your child’s name will be added to the absentee list for that day.
My child has to leave school early. What should I do?
We accept that students sometimes leave during lunch, but if your child will be departing early for an appointment or some other reason, have your child go to the office before leaving the building with a note from home or from the teacher of the class that they are leaving. There is a sign-out sheet in the office.
My child is not attending school. What can I do?
Attendance is a key factor for academic success. Please call the school and ask to speak to the administrator responsible for the grade level of your child.
My child is having difficulty in a course they are enrolled in. What should I do?
It can be very common for a student to find a particular course challenging. Fortunately, there are some options that can help improve the situation. Firstly, students should reach out to their teachers in order to communicate the difficulties they are having. The teacher can likely offer suggestions or additional support to help. In the specific areas of Math and Science, there is a teacher on duty in the Help Center (Room 238) every Day 1 and 3 to offer help in these areas. If the student is applying consistent effort and accessing support but still is having challenges, the student's POD can be contacted. Each student is assigned to a POD which is composed of an administrator, guidance counsellor and a resource specialist. These individuals can look further into a student's situation and offer additional supports.
My contact information has changed. Who should I contact?
We must be able to contact you in case of emergency. Please inform the office if you have new contact information. This includes both parents’ or guardians’ work and home numbers. We are also happy to take your e-mail address since some teachers like to contact parents by e-mail.