Use of Personal Electronic Devices Policy:
- The basic purpose of the school policy around the use of cell phones or any “Personal Electronic Devices” is to prevent student and teacher distraction, disruption, and to respect the privacy of all in the school.
- Cell phones and other personal electronic devices (PED’s) must be turned off during class time, unless authorized by a teacher.
- The use of the camera or video/audio recording features is prohibited unless written consent is obtained from the person being photographed/recorded, or from the legal guardian if the student is under eighteen years of age.
- Students may use cell phones appropriately and respectfully in common areas when classes are not in session (i.e. breaks, lunch, after school). Cell phone use is permitted only in the cafeteria during class time.
- The use of any electronic device that disrupts academic instruction may result in some form of discipline, including confiscation of the phone for a period of time. Repeated in-class offences will result in parents having to retrieve the phone at school.
- Administration reserves the right to approve appropriate use for staff to support communication and efficiency in their work.